It has been safely used in doses of 0.5-3 grams daily for up to 6 months. There isn't enough reliable information to know if Ceylon cinnamon is safe when taken in larger amounts or when used long-term.
People also ask
Is it safe to drink Ceylon cinnamon tea everyday?
It's safe to drink as tea, though high doses and certain types can worsen some conditions. Taking large doses of cinnamon for long periods, or drinking a lot of cinnamon tea for a long time, can cause digestive upset. These can include common complaints like nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Nov 18, 2022
What are the side effects of Ceylon cinnamon daily?

What Are the Side Effects of Having Too Much Cinnamon?

May cause liver damage. Cassia (or regular) cinnamon is a rich source of coumarin. ...
May cause mouth sores. ...
May cause low blood sugar. ...
May cause breathing problems. ...
May interact with certain medications.
How much Ceylon cinnamon should I take daily for blood sugar?
It reduces insulin resistance in the body. This helps glucose metabolize in the liver, according to research . Ceylon cinnamon is a promising treatment for people looking for alternatives to synthetic insulin therapy. To use cinnamon as an insulin stabilizer, at least 120 milligrams (mg) per day are recommended .
Is Ceylon cinnamon safer than regular cinnamon?
All types of cinnamon contain a compound known as coumarin, which is known to be harmful in large amounts. Ceylon cinnamon has much less coumarin than cassia cinnamon. If you are concerned about coumarin, Ceylon cinnamon is a safer option for your spice rack.
Nov 29, 2022
Mar 21, 2024 · Cinnamon is generally safe to use in small amounts as a spice. This mostly applies to Cassia cinnamon because it's a rich source of coumarin.
Nov 29, 2022 · All types of cinnamon contain a compound known as coumarin, which is known to be harmful in large amounts. Ceylon cinnamon has much less ...
This can be toxic to the liver if taken in large amounts or over a long time. Ceylon has a smaller amount of coumarin in it, which makes it safer. Takeaway.
Nov 18, 2022 · It's likely okay to drink a cup every day, but switch to Ceylon cinnamon if you have liver disease or a risk of bleeding. Cinnamon tea is rich ...
Nov 8, 2022 · On the other hand, Ceylon cinnamon contains significantly less coumarin and can be consumed safely in doses of up to 1.2 tsp. (6 g) per day ( 3 ...
Ceylon Cinnamon Black Tea - 1 Cup Per Day (8-12oz of liquid). This is our favorite method to take cinnamon infused in black tea. About 1 cup per day (1 tea bag ...
Jun 29, 2023 · To reap the health benefits of cinnamon, most individuals can consume roughly one-third to 1 teaspoon (max dose) of Ceylon cinnamon powder a day ...
Nov 22, 2022 · Ceylon cinnamon – this contains only trace amounts of coumarin, so can be consumed in larger amounts of up to 5g (2.5tsp) a day.24. Avoid taking ...